Sunday, September 11, 2011


Our 80 degree days are numbered. The gardens are beginning the fall burn and the wildflowers are long since dried to seed heads. Cool, longer nights are perfect for sleeping, and the clear, blue skies, accent the slowly changing leaves. Fall is at hand. Pumpkins, sweaters, & mums. A season devoted to our acclimation to cold weather to come, but doing so with a flair! Most of us hate to see our summer draw to an end, but also look forward to those special autumn days where long walks in the rustling leaves spark memories of the past. Hot cider & Pumpkin pie, oh yes and FOOTBALL!
There could be no winter without fall, nor summer without spring! Living in Northern Michigan is a blessing because we get the best of ALL the seasons! One cannot appreciate the warmth of Summer without the cold of Winter, so let’s greet Autumn with great anticipation, and enjoy this wonderful Sleeptember!

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